
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sri Krishna statue at Sri sri Ayurveda hospital

SriSriAyurveda hospital and colelge is making great impact and is gaining popualrity very fast.

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ayurveda college Mysore

Our college completed 100 years and here are some pictures of the recent NSS rural camp.

Rural health care -Ayurveda college Mysore

National service scheme of our college arranges rural health camps every year.
Here we have Dr.Radhakrishna,Dr.shantala Priyardashini and Dr.chandramouli doing their part in the recent camp.

Most people who live in rural areas need to know about health,hygiene and they need to be provided basic facilities too.

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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Dr.Pankaj pathak -young scientist award

Dr.Pankaj pathak -recives young scientist award at update Shalakya 2009 at Thiruvanathanpuram seminar.
He presented a paper on CVS and won this award.Here is a picture showing him reciving it.

Birthday celebrations at SriGuru residency

My students celebrated my birthday and we had a memorable luncheon at residency.
yogic cure for common ailments and computers for doctors were the books that were gifted to me.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Indian dry land

Here is a picture of dry land which was once used to cultivate.Now it is all made into residential area.

Behold the beauty

The whole expanes of nature offers you many plants and insects- tiny to take a look at.
A cute butterfly for you to ponder about life

colorful ballons to bring back your childhood memeories

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nest in our jasmine creeper

We have the pelasure of housing so many birds.THey feel so much at home that they decide to build their own nests ,lay eggs and out comes cute lil ones.Here is a nest made so carefully.

It is real pain to see the failure soemtimes.I mean when the little ones are eaten up or eggs are eaten away by some cruel bigger bird or repite or cat.

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some plants in our garden

Only when you have beautiful flowers smiling in your garden you feel healthy and happy.You have many friends -winged or other wise too.We have many beautiful birdies,butterflies,snakes too some time.
some are medicinal plants and some are useful as vegetable too.Fruits,flowers,herbs what have you -the super creator created them all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy man park in Mysore

Want to be happy healthy and you live any where near this park?
Visit daily these parks,very aged just sit and do pranayama.if not so old do walk around,if you have more energy do walk and then yogasana and followed by pranayama.Being in this atmosphere itself is healing.

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Walking for health

Walking daily is essential to keep yourself healthy and happy.and if you are fortunate to live in a place free of pollution then still better if not walk in a nearby park and if you are fortuante to live anywhere in Mysore you have many parks to choose from.Here are the pictures of such a beautifully maintained park.You can see people of all ages here enjoying the greenery and solitude.It is heavenly.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

orange blooms

Can you look at the orange colored blooms there ? THey are not fragrant but very attractive to look at.Many types of insects swarm it.

Try this contest

THere are many contest-beauty contests,eating contest,so many like wise but here we have a unique contest -who can write something very creative and still it should be imaginative and immpossible.Examples are as fallows-I have an elephant living in my ear.A king and his family lived in a palace built in side a seashell.Pumpkin seeds are so huge that you can not eat one seed in a meal,you may have to make 20 meals for 20 people out of one seed.So now the contest is open.Rules-One can write as many creative falsehood which are creative yet immpossible like science fiction.It should be a comment and anyone else can re comment on that.And after 10 enteries are here we decide who wrote the best imaginative lie.who writes the first creative lie ? Goodluck

medicines are being made here

when the doctor makes medicines naturally he or she takes utmsot care and so obviously it results in the best .This might not be true always but just take a look at our young doctors to be busy making preparations to be adminsitered to the patient.