
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Government Ayurveda medical college and hospital,Mysore.Here is a picture of doctors of the hospital and also doctors to be, being trained under the able guidance of the doctors.
House surgeons and their teacher.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

THe mercurial preparations are made meticulously and scientifically.Here is a puta being taken care of

young doctors to be treating a eye disorder.THis process is called as seka
This plant is msot beneficial in treating mental problems.It improves memory ,speech and helps in many mental problems

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Treatment -for eye diseases -called netra tarpan.Helps improve vision,very beneficial in computer vision syndrome,dry eyes,and most eye diseases.It proves more beneficial when prescribed by an experienced Ayurveda eye doctor. Triphaladi grta,shatdouta grta,purana grta are soem commonly used medicaments

This is called netra- prasadan anjana ,highly effective in ARMD-age related macular degeneration,diseases of retina and any condition with diminshing visual acuity.
Here is a picture of medicaments for treating eye diseases.
For all such eye problems you could contact Dr.Shantala Priydarshini,who has her Ayurveda research center at Mysore.

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Government Ayurveda college in Mysore

Our college staff members most of them are faculty in post graduate departments.
You can see the principle Dr.Ashok D.Satpute adressing the gathering.
Here you can see a lab technichian helping make medicines in the traditional method

It is great year for Government Ayurveda medical college in Mysore,it was started by His majesty Maharaja of Mysore and it celebrates its 100th year this year.Here are some pictures for you to see.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Charaka's birth place

The information was sent to me and I have put it across as it seems interesting.
A documentary film 'AYURVED- UTTRAKHAND KA GOURAV' is under production with important topics of Ayurveda in the Dev Bhoomi of Uttrakhand by Jaiveer Pundir Producer-Director with the help of his close associate and co-director/cinematographer Manvendra Tyagi.
Keeping in the view about the importance of this documentary film, birth place of 'Maharishi Charak' is discovered by the film unit under the direction of Mr.Pundir who has made deep efforts and intense study to get this place. Which is situated in the upper himalayas of Garhwal in the distt HQrs of Pouri, name village 'CHAREKH'. an isolated place, out of touch with the rest of the world.This film 'Ayurved- Uttrakhand ka Gourav' will certainly create an awarness and importance of 'Ayurveda' to a common man. Now the time has come when every one should adopt 'Auyrveda' in his/her life to make life more Happier - comfortable.

We have few photographs of Khral known to be Kharal of charak and one of the tree (Banjh) where Rishi Charak used to perform sadhna.
We hope you will publish this news in your site.
For further query regarding film , please contact
Jaiveer Pundir
Roorkee (Uttrakhand).Hardwar

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Netra workshop coimbatore

Dr.N.P.P.Nampoothari of Sreedhareeyam was speaking at the workshop and was being presented a moment by Dr.Shantala Priyadarshini of Dr.vijay's Ayurveda research centre.Mysore

Dr.Mitra Satish one of the resource persons at the workshop being honoured by Dr.Rammanohar of AVP.
Dr.Shantala Priyadarshini of government Ayurveda medical college Mysore was honoured by Dr.Prasad of Sunetri Ayurveda eye care centre.THrissur.


AVP hosted many pre conference workshops.Started on 14th August 2008 ended on 17th august.It was much apprieciated by the participants.We need tohave many more like that to create awarenss of the great potential that this ancient science has in clinical aspects in treating eye diseases.

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Netra workshop coimbatore

Started on 14th August 2008 ended on 17th august.It was much apprieciated by the participants

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AVP workshop

AND AROGYA AYURVEDA EXPO 2008 had hosted many pre conference workshops and we went there as resource persons and it was really very well organised -a true mirror to the capabilities of the organising capacity of such a great gaint in Ayurveda world.

WE are short of words to describe how well we were taken care of .Here are the pictures taken there.I wish that all their efforts will be fruitful and help in all their endevours.

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