
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Nest in our jasmine creeper

We have the pelasure of housing so many birds.THey feel so much at home that they decide to build their own nests ,lay eggs and out comes cute lil ones.Here is a nest made so carefully.

It is real pain to see the failure soemtimes.I mean when the little ones are eaten up or eggs are eaten away by some cruel bigger bird or repite or cat.

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some plants in our garden

Only when you have beautiful flowers smiling in your garden you feel healthy and happy.You have many friends -winged or other wise too.We have many beautiful birdies,butterflies,snakes too some time.
some are medicinal plants and some are useful as vegetable too.Fruits,flowers,herbs what have you -the super creator created them all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy man park in Mysore

Want to be happy healthy and you live any where near this park?
Visit daily these parks,very aged just sit and do pranayama.if not so old do walk around,if you have more energy do walk and then yogasana and followed by pranayama.Being in this atmosphere itself is healing.

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Walking for health

Walking daily is essential to keep yourself healthy and happy.and if you are fortunate to live in a place free of pollution then still better if not walk in a nearby park and if you are fortuante to live anywhere in Mysore you have many parks to choose from.Here are the pictures of such a beautifully maintained park.You can see people of all ages here enjoying the greenery and solitude.It is heavenly.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

orange blooms

Can you look at the orange colored blooms there ? THey are not fragrant but very attractive to look at.Many types of insects swarm it.

Try this contest

THere are many contest-beauty contests,eating contest,so many like wise but here we have a unique contest -who can write something very creative and still it should be imaginative and immpossible.Examples are as fallows-I have an elephant living in my ear.A king and his family lived in a palace built in side a seashell.Pumpkin seeds are so huge that you can not eat one seed in a meal,you may have to make 20 meals for 20 people out of one seed.So now the contest is open.Rules-One can write as many creative falsehood which are creative yet immpossible like science fiction.It should be a comment and anyone else can re comment on that.And after 10 enteries are here we decide who wrote the best imaginative lie.who writes the first creative lie ? Goodluck

medicines are being made here

when the doctor makes medicines naturally he or she takes utmsot care and so obviously it results in the best .This might not be true always but just take a look at our young doctors to be busy making preparations to be adminsitered to the patient.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Look at the design of rangolis here

Medical students exceel not just in studies but in other activities too.Take a loo kat our students ,they are particiapting in a contest of rangoli.

Ranga -oli means -to please ranga -Lord Krishna by the beautful decoration in front of the main entrance of our dwelling.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy birthday celebrated

Our beloved principal Dr.Ashok.D.Satpute has been very popular among students and staff alike and his birthday was celebrated by the psot graduate department of siddhantha on 19th december,here are some pictures taken on that day.

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Little genius at work

This is my little cousin working on the computer,Seriously he is at work.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In front of my gate

Usually people have boards in front of their homes - NO Parking, or beware of dogs etc.

And here I have parked my car right in front of my front gate.But always I take care to see that it is inside the curb and does nto disturb the other vehicles moving in our road.

what is a BOD ?

B.O.D. is an equippment used to conduct Tests, storage of sensitive cultures, vaccines, culture of bacteira, microorganism, serum incubation, seed germination etc.... IT comes in different sizes and variations also.

Kappikacchu flowers

Mucuna pruriens in Latin (Bengal Bean, Cow Itch, Itchy Bean, Nescafe, Velvet Bean, Cowhage, Kapikachu) Has been used as a herb with amazing medicinal value in Ayurveda

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

fun in decorating friend's hands

Indian marriages or any festival has many parts and preparing for the actual day is done many days in advance.Here is one such a program called the art of applying mehandi .It has a cooling effect and it is such an art that ladies adorn their hands and legs before wedding.Here is a glimpse of our students applying mehandi.

Say it with flowers

Prevent AIDS said a floral arrangement,so well expressed.Many youngsters arranged flowers to express thier creativity.

Rangoli contest,mehandi contest ,let be any our students did so well,just look at these for a proof

fun filled day

contest for exhibiting your creativity that is done in plenty here at our college.Here are a few pictures.Rangoli contest is always fun

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Rangoli contest in our college

Hoorah !! contest for exhibiting your creativity that is done in plenty here at our college.Here are a few pictures.

Floral tribute

Government Ayurveda medical college,Mysore,post graduate students of siddhantha department have done the institute proud by arranging such a magnificient floral tribute to our heros,who died protecting us.