
Friday, September 05, 2008

Is life worth living ? It depends on the liver

Liver your best friendHealthy liver uses two mechanisms, called Phase I and Phase II detoxification, to remove toxins. In Phase I, body's enzymes activate toxic substances to make them more accessible to Phase II. In Phase II, other enzymes convert toxins to more water-soluble forms, which body eliminates through urine or stool.The liver is the most important organ in detoxification, as it is the body's premier cleansing organ, while intestines, kidneys, skin also play a role. All the blood in the body passes through the liver, which removes toxins, impurities, and debris from the bloodstream. The liver stores fat-soluble substances; these can include chemicals, which can be stored in the liver for years. Using enzymes, the liver transforms these chemicals into water-soluble substances that can be excreted though the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract. The liver metabolizes hormones. Estrogen produced by the body and from hormone replacement therapies is broken down. The liver also manufactures bile to digest fats; chemically changes many foods into vitamins and enzymes; converts carbohydrates and proteins into glucose for brain fuel and glycogen for muscular energy; and stores nutrients to be secreted as needed by the body to build and maintain cells.Detoxification is the removal of toxins or chemicals from the body which include potentially dangerous toxins that come from outside the body, called xenobiotics, include environmental chemicals, food chemicals and contaminants, drugs and herbs, and chemicals released from infectious organisms. Humans also naturally produce toxins. The liver needs to work efficiently to help break down toxins. Conditions caused or exacerbated by toxin overload include chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency, allergies, cancer, liver damage, and chronic inflammatory disorders etc.To be continued in next blog


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