
Monday, September 15, 2008

Can we save her ?

Really we should.So here are some practical issues to ponder and practice.1) Use less water, use it efficiently and recycle it.For eg. water used for washing clothes can be used toflush the toilets.2) Do not use running water to wash vegetables. Takewater in a vessel and wash the veggetables in it. Thiswater may then be used to water the plants3 Use electricity efficiently. Switch off the lightswhen you leave the room. Switch off the main switch when you switch off the mixer, TV etc. Theseappliances if not switched off completely will be onstand by mode and use up 10% of the entire month'selectricity consumption. Avoid using bulbs as theyconsume more energy.
4)Reduce and reuse plastic bags. These are not biodegradable. Carry a cloth bag when you go shopping. Ifthis is difficult always carry a plastic bag with you.So that when you suddenly need to buy something youneed not use a new one. every single Plastic that youdo not use makes a difference.
5) Avoid drinking "soft drinks". These are not goodfor your health nad also harm the environment as theyadd to the rubbish generated in the form of plasticbottles.) Reduce,reuse and recycle paper. Papers which areused on one side can be reused on the other side. Usedenvelopes, wedding cards can be used for making notesetc.7) Do not use your vehicles for going short distances.Following the pooling method while using cars, twowheelers etc. Use public transport wherever andwhenever possible.8)Creat awareness among your family and friends about this.

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