
Friday, September 19, 2008

The mail that I liked it

Was your daddy like this too ?

At 4 YearsMy daddy is great.At 6 YearsMy daddy knows everybody.At 10 YearsMy daddy is good but is short tempered.At 12 YearsMy daddy was very nice to me when I was young.At 14 YearsMy daddy is getting fastidious.At 16 YearsMy daddy is not in line with the current times.At 18 YearsMy daddy is becoming increasingly crankyAt 20 YearsOh! Its becoming difficult to tolerate daddy.Wonder how Mother puts up with him.At 25 YearsDaddy is objecting to everything.At 30 YearsIt's becoming difficult to manage my son.I was so scared of my father when I was young.At 40 YearsDaddy brought me up with so much discipline.Even I should do the same.At 45 YearsI am baffled as to how my daddy brought us up.At 50 YearsMy daddy faced so many hardships to bring us up.I am unable to manage a single son.At 55 YearsMy daddy was so far sighted and planned so many things for us.He is one of his kind and unique.At 60 YearsMy daddy is great.Thus, it took 56 years to complete the cycle and come back to the 1st stage. ...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Flowers in bloom today at my place

Flowers are a source of eternal joy.THey have medicinal value, truly as they make you smile, all your worries flee and you realise God has been busy and will cater to your needs soon.Just wait and in the mean time look at the flowers take time to smell roses literally.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

As bitter as neem -you should be

Neem is one of the best medicines that nature has bestowed on human race.
All the parts of this tree are used as medicine.
Here is a picture of neem flowers which are best in preventing and curing skin ailments.
Eat them fresh or dry with honey.It helps immensely.
Remember you can take some honey after that and it is more to enhance the action and less to prevent the after taste that it leaves.
shinning skin,healthy skin can be yours forever.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

rules and regulations

Hello everyone here are some funny codes for you to read and enjoy.Dress sense and code for dressing-It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary.
If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise.
If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better,so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore do not need a raise.If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore do not need a raise.We care about you-so lunch rules
Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch as they need to eat more, so that they can look healthy.
Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure.
Fat people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a slim fast.Ultimate rules by management-Thank you for your loyalty to our company.
We are here to provide a positive employment experience. Therefore,
All questions, comments,concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplations,consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.did you just laugh or contemplate ?

Can we save her ?

Really we should.So here are some practical issues to ponder and practice.1) Use less water, use it efficiently and recycle it.For eg. water used for washing clothes can be used toflush the toilets.2) Do not use running water to wash vegetables. Takewater in a vessel and wash the veggetables in it. Thiswater may then be used to water the plants3 Use electricity efficiently. Switch off the lightswhen you leave the room. Switch off the main switch when you switch off the mixer, TV etc. Theseappliances if not switched off completely will be onstand by mode and use up 10% of the entire month'selectricity consumption. Avoid using bulbs as theyconsume more energy.
4)Reduce and reuse plastic bags. These are not biodegradable. Carry a cloth bag when you go shopping. Ifthis is difficult always carry a plastic bag with you.So that when you suddenly need to buy something youneed not use a new one. every single Plastic that youdo not use makes a difference.
5) Avoid drinking "soft drinks". These are not goodfor your health nad also harm the environment as theyadd to the rubbish generated in the form of plasticbottles.) Reduce,reuse and recycle paper. Papers which areused on one side can be reused on the other side. Usedenvelopes, wedding cards can be used for making notesetc.7) Do not use your vehicles for going short distances.Following the pooling method while using cars, twowheelers etc. Use public transport wherever andwhenever possible.8)Creat awareness among your family and friends about this.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Love story of beautiful -Manikarnika.

Born Manikarnika, she was affectionately called Manu in her family. Manu lost her mother at the age of four, and responsibility of looking after the young girl fell to her father.Her father Moropanth Tambey was a Karhade Brahmin and her mother Bhagirathibai was cultured, intelligent and religious.she was born at Kashi in 1828 and it is her love story that I am telling you all.she was not only known for her beauty but for her valour and patriotism too.THe love for her motherland was exemplary and we today need to love our motherland as she did.She was married to a king- Raja Gangadhar Rao Niwalkar, the Maharaja of Jhansi in 1842.Yes, here I speak of Jhnasi ki Rani-Lakshmi bai.THe enemy leader commented that the Rani had been "the bravest and the best" of the rebels. Because of her unprecedented bravery, courage and wisdom and her progressive views on women's empowerment in 19th century India, and due to her sacrifices, she became an icon of Indian nationalist movement.Can we create more such patriotic and brave ladies to protect our nation and world from injustice ?

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smiles of God

God sends smiles for us to learn and have beautiful smiles.Are you similing now !! please do.It is good for health.

floral decoration ISCKON Mysore

Onum celebrations at ISCKON Mysore

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My sincere thanks

We usually say-thank-you,sorry,excuse me and so many things daily but sometimes we don't really mean them.But here when I say thanks -I mean it.My thanks to all specially to shankar and others - as you welcome me back and for appriciating me much.When we here in India start a new project or start learning a new science or art we convey our sincere thanks to the preceptors,parents,the governing divinity so on and so forth.Are there different methods of conveying thanks ?when we were small kids, my parents and grandparents had many village boys and girls coming to our garden home where they were given free education,food and all that they needed untill they became self sufficient.And when I one day asked my grandfather why all that was provided free ?THe answer he gave me is still fresh in my mind.He said this is the way of conveying thanks to great people who helped him become a post master.In those days of British raj-becoming a postmaster was a big job and society gave a lot of respect to a postmaster and many people came to him to solve all their problems. He was educated by a humble couple who strived to give him education and expected nothing in return.He lost his parents while he was still a small boy and this humble couple who were his uncle and aunt had no kids and they brought him up and when he asked how he should repay them, they had advised him to contunue the good work they thought was their life's mission,so grandfather promised that he would contune this free education untill his death and my father continued the same,now me.But now I have added one more dimension to this -free medical aid to villages where health is still just a dream.Do you want to join hands- then just send me your sincere best wishes.

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Why am I so happy ?

We are all happy when we get some gift or achieve success or some one passes a well meant compliment or ....but today I read a statement -that one should try to be happy without reason and learn to love without reason and also to try not to be sad inspite of a reason and hate no one without a reason or better still hate none at all.And this made me think if all this was possible at all?It is very humane to rejoice at any achievement, that too well deserved.for example your kids achieve scholastic excellence and you get a long expected promotion.Would you just take it as part of life and not be happy ? It means just the opposite ,the statement means that one should rejoice,celebrate all happenings in life as counting blessings are necessary.Enjoy that you are able to see,smell, walk,talk,smile and smile more.It is the best way to live,make it a point to praise many people daily if not at least a person but be honest about it.Let us remind ourselves to be happy without a reason and also to hate no one with or without reason as it can harm us more than the person we hate.

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Fountain of youth

Who would not like to be young always ?If you drink at the fountain of youth then you stay young forever.So now the question is- where is this fountain situated ? How to reach there ? How mcuh to drink and for how long ? Is this change permanent or temporary ?Then we need to know more about people who have drank from this fountain.Will it have any side effects ? Will it cause any allergy to any one ? More important question- how mcuh does it cost ?Legend of this fountain-According to a legend of 1513- The Fountain of Youth was a spring that Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon, went looking for in Florida.It was said that anyone who drinks from the Fountain would have his or her youth restored. Florida was thought to be the site of the Fountain of Youth because of native stories in the Caribbean of a restorative spring located north of the Bahamas. These native legends were combined with a popular story in Europe about a quest for a "Fountain of Life".Today the scientists are doing a lot of research as people even today wish to be young forever.WE are also researching for this exilir would you like to get some of our magic potion now ?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Shangri La - you will fall in love

We always think some thing more beautiful,wonderful,marvelous belongs to other countries and others but we slowly realise that it is in us too and near by and we have never realsied its worth,same here too when I speak about Shangri La .-"Shangri-La" is a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided from a lamasery, enclosed in the western end of the Kunlun Mountains. Shangri-La has become synonymous with any earthly paradise but particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia—a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world.And this is a place of eternal youth.You could find more information here -
When we speak about eternal fountain of youth we find the mention of many names and one is Shangri La.But today this term has come to mean many things.Garden of Eden,fountain of youth,perfect paradise are all some terms used today to mean the same.
Shangri La has also come to mean your love,your soulmate,your here is my wish that all of you should find Shangri La-peace within yourself, first to begin with,all the best friends.

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Life after death ?

This is a very hot topic ? But why ? HAve you ever wondered what happens after death ?
it is too important a topic to brush aside,now shall we see waht people have been thinking and doing with this issue ?
Reincarnation theories i.e ,rebirth are popular in Eastern religions as well as the many New Age variants. It seems people are comfortable with the idea of another chance to return and figure things out. Some nihilist thinkers like charuvakas believe that death is the absolute end; but contrary to what many might think, most people believe that death is not the end. In some shape or form we go on. "...There is rebirth of character, but no transmigration of a self. Thy thought-forms reappear, but there is no ego-entity transferred. The stanza uttered by a teacher is reborn in the scholar who repeats the words.
Only through ignorance and delusion do men indulge in the dream that their souls are separate and self-existent entities. Thy heart, O Brahman, is cleaving still to self; thou art anxious about heaven but thou seekest the pleasures of self in heaven, and thus thou canst not see the bliss of truth and the immortality of truth."-Buddha
Scientists investigating 'near-death' experiences say they have found evidence to suggest that consciousness can continue to exist after the brain has ceased to function.
The researchers interviewed 63 patients who had survived heart attacks within a week of the experience.
Of these 56 had no recollection of the period of unconsciousness they experienced whilst, effectively, clinically dead.

However, seven had memories, four of which counted as near-death experiences.

Now tell me -do you believe in life after death?

Tips to really live well

Eat only when hungry. Food that is fresh, prepared with love is said to be the best. Avoid food which has preservatives, permitted colors and those which has been over cooked, burnt, and seasoned with lot of spices and salt.

2) Sleep when sleepy and try to maintain a regular bed time. The duration of sleep changes depending on each individual, season, mental-physical exertion, after surgery, period of convalescence, after child birth etc. But a healthy person should sleep well (quality of sleep is more important than duration) and on waking up next morning should feel fit and fine- is an indication to show that sleep has been sufficient. Sleeping during daytime is not good if one wants to enjoy perfect health. Daytime sleep interferes with digestion and metabolism. Perfect quality sleep energizes a person.
3) Natural urges like passing stools, urge to urinate, sneeze, yawn, cough, cry, vomit, sleep and hunger are not to be controlled. Controlling the above causes many health problems ? so it is best voided as soon as the urge is felt. 4) Anger, jealousy, greed, unbridled lust and passion, coveting the wealth and property of others; dishonesty ?these types of negative qualities are to be controlled to enjoy peaceful life and is a positive step towards better health. (Health Tips in the coming months will elaborate on the above).

5) Excessive use of sense organs is always to be avoided (eg. watching horror movies daily or looking at lustrous objects always, or hearing jarring sounds or hearing music always with headphones on, etc. constantly are to be avoided, inhaling strong smell frequently is not very good).

6) Prayer should be a part of your daily routine ? this helps keep your immunity in tact.

7) Habits (food habits, daily lifestyle) should be practiced regularly and sincerely as per each constitution (eg. Pitta persons should reduce spices, Kapha person needs to keep warm etc.)
8) Doing any thing in excess should be always avoided (excessive sexual indulgence, frequent snacking, over working, consuming lot of alcohol etc.)
9) Adventure sport, doing daring acts (swimming against water current, driving vehicles very fast, fighting wild animals or taking part in bull fights etc. activities) just for fun are to be avoided if one wants to enjoy perfect health.

10) Doing your duty honestly, sincerely for your employer, family and society helps you stay fit and healthy.

11) Spending your weekend in the company of best books, honest people and/or in relaxing activities like being with nature, or taking part in prayers, meditation, reading scriptures, or chanting are beneficial.

12) Think straight ?eat right is an axiom that one should adopt in life (positive thinking or counting your blessings should be a part of your life and eating should be as per hunger-less in quantity, according to season and what the body really needs)

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Green gold -just for you

Wheat grass therapy is adviced for all conditions when extra push is needed for the body to recoup.May be like different cancers,blood deficiency states,compromised states of health,after child birth,when children need more nutrition the following method can be adopted.
Select 7 mud pots and fill up with natural mud and organic mannure or Agnihotra ash and sow good wheat seeds superficially and let it start growing.If you sow one pot each day on the 8th day the first pot is ready for harvesting.Cut the grass grown ,wash and crush slowly to extract juice and this juice is to be taken empty stomach once or twice daily.By following this method one gets a ready supply of grass for continously 21 days,then the growing is to be repeated in new pots.
In my clinical practice I have advised this in bleeding disorders like-Evan's Eale's disease,diabetic retinopathy,any sort of cancer and low blood counts ,especially in blood caner one gets more benefits ,almost miracously.
Typical Analysis of Dehydrated Cereal Grass 3.5 Grams
(7-500 mg. tablets or 1 tsp. powder)VITAMINS: PROTEIN 800 mg.Vitamin A 1750 I/U CRUDE FIBER 600 mg.Vitamin K 280 mcg. CALORIES 10Vitamin C 11 mg. CHLOROPHYLL 19 mg.Vitamin E 1.1 mcg. CARBOHYDRATES 1.3 gm.Thiamin 10 mcg.Choline 1 mg. AMINO ACIDS:Riboflavin 71 mcg. Lysine 29 mg.Pyridoxine 45 mcg. Histidine 16 mg.Vitamin B-12 1 mcg. Arginine 39 mg.Niacin 263 mcg. Asparatic Acid 78 mg.Pantothenic 84 mcg. Threonine 37 mg.Biotin 4 mcg. Glutamic Acid 85 mg.Folic Acid 38 mcg. Proline 33 mg.Glycine 41 mg.MINERALS: Alanine 48 mg.Calcium 18 mg. Valine 44 mg.Phosphorus 18 mg. Isoleucine 31 mg.Potassium 112 mg. Leucine 57 mg.Magnesium 3.6 mg. Tyrosine 18 mg.Iron 2 mg. Phenylanlanine 38 mg.Manganese . 35 mg. Methionine 15 mg.Selenium 3.5 mcg. Cystine 8 mg.Sodium 1 mg. Trytophan 4 mg.Zinc 17.5 mcg. Amide 10 mg.Iodine 7 mcg. Purines 2 mg.Copper .02 mg Serine 85 mg.Cobalt 1.75 mcg.

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Donkey can change your life

Different people have different perception. One man's meat could be another man's poison. A couple bought a donkey from the market. On the way home, a boy commented, "Very stupid. Why neither of them ride on the donkey? "Upon hearing that, the husband let the wife ride on the donkey. He walked besides them. Later, an old man saw it and commented, "The husband is the head of family. How can the wife ride on the donkey while the husband is on foot?" Hearing this, the wife quickly got down and let the husband ride on the donkey.
Further on the way home, they met an old Lady. She commented, "How can the man ride on the donkey but let the wife walk. He is no gentleman." The husband thus quickly asked the wife to join him on the donkey. Then, they met a young man. He commented, "Poor donkey, how can you hold up the weight of two persons. They are cruel to you." Hearing that, the husband and wife immediately climbed down from the donkey and carried it on their shoulders.
It seems to be the only choice left. Later, on a narrow bridge, the donkey was frightened and struggled. They lost their balance and fell into the river. You can never have everyone praise you, nor will everyone condemn you. Never in the past, not at present, and never will be in the future.Thus, do not be too bothered by others words if our conscience is clear..

Friday, September 05, 2008

Liver depends on the liver

You the liver,will have to take best care of your organ liver so here are some useful tips to be followed.THe following are best avoided- Skippingbreakfast. Consuming too much medication.Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring , and artificial sweetener. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like virgin coconut oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden ofliver.Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.Not urinating in the morning.Too much eating.Take care of your liver to live longer and enjoy perfect health.

Is life worth living ? It depends on the liver

Liver your best friendHealthy liver uses two mechanisms, called Phase I and Phase II detoxification, to remove toxins. In Phase I, body's enzymes activate toxic substances to make them more accessible to Phase II. In Phase II, other enzymes convert toxins to more water-soluble forms, which body eliminates through urine or stool.The liver is the most important organ in detoxification, as it is the body's premier cleansing organ, while intestines, kidneys, skin also play a role. All the blood in the body passes through the liver, which removes toxins, impurities, and debris from the bloodstream. The liver stores fat-soluble substances; these can include chemicals, which can be stored in the liver for years. Using enzymes, the liver transforms these chemicals into water-soluble substances that can be excreted though the kidneys or the gastrointestinal tract. The liver metabolizes hormones. Estrogen produced by the body and from hormone replacement therapies is broken down. The liver also manufactures bile to digest fats; chemically changes many foods into vitamins and enzymes; converts carbohydrates and proteins into glucose for brain fuel and glycogen for muscular energy; and stores nutrients to be secreted as needed by the body to build and maintain cells.Detoxification is the removal of toxins or chemicals from the body which include potentially dangerous toxins that come from outside the body, called xenobiotics, include environmental chemicals, food chemicals and contaminants, drugs and herbs, and chemicals released from infectious organisms. Humans also naturally produce toxins. The liver needs to work efficiently to help break down toxins. Conditions caused or exacerbated by toxin overload include chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency, allergies, cancer, liver damage, and chronic inflammatory disorders etc.To be continued in next blog

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ixora of many hues

Ixora has medicinal value.There are more than 400 speices of this.Grows in Asia,Africa and the Pacific.

It can be used in gastric problems like nausea,loss of appetite and tastelessness.

Boil flowers in milk and add crystal sugar and drink two -three tiems a day.

Helps relieve burning senastion of eyes,feet,scalp too.

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Green lotuses or what ?

some one gave me these tiny plants and they look like a lotus but is green in color.if anyone of you can identify it pl lemme know.

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Ayurveda again

Ayurveda therapies for eye treatment.
Making eye medicines -fresh and clean just for you.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

complimentary and alternative medicines increased in hospitals globally

CAM is (complimentary and alternative medicine) is increasing in hospitals due to patient's demands as more Americans and Australians are finding relief through alternative forms of health care. Hospitals have increasingly expanded programs in order to attract this patient base as well as to optimize care options. CAM inpatient programs nearly doubled between 1998 and 2001, as attitudes and perceptions toward alternative medicine change, and they keep increasing. The Journal of the American Medical Association states that 42 percent of U.S. adults receive at least one of sixteen alternative therapies surveyed.
According to a report released by the American Hospital Association (AHA), more than a quarter of surveyed hospitals are offering Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) programs to the patients they serve. CAM can include acupuncture,Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, diet and lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, and massage therapy among other types of non-Western treatments. The top six therapies offered by the AHA member hospitals and sought by Americans include massage therapy, tai ji, yoga, qi gong, relaxation trainings, acupuncture, guided imagery, and therapeutic touch. Studies showed that Americans paid for most of these services out of pocket, spending $13.7 billion annually on CAM products and services, making it an attractive market for many struggling hospitals.People are looking at these as they want to be in charge of their helth and want to focus on therapies which treat you as a person.

Colon cleansing

Briefly about the colon- all parts of the colon or large intestine comes after the small intestine in the digestive tract and measures approximately 1.5 meters in length. Although there are differences in the large intestine between different organisms, the large intestine is mainly responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water, maintaining the water balance, and absorbing some vitamins, such as vitamin K. By the time the chyme (digestive juice) has reached this tube, almost all nutrients and 90% of the water have been absorbed by the body. At this point some electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and chloride are left as well as indigestible carbohydrates known as dietary fiber. As the chyme moves through the large intestine, most of the remaining water is removed, while the chyme is mixed with mucus and bacteria known as gut flora, and becomes feces. The bacteria break down some of the fiber for their own nourishment and create acetate, propionate, and butyrate as waste products, which in turn are used by the cell lining of the colon for nourishment. This is an example of a symbiotic relationship and provides about one hundred Calories a day to the body. The large intestine produces no digestive enzymes — chemical digestion is usually completed in the small intestine before the chyme reaches the large intestine. A healthy colon maintains balance between assimilation and elimination. Like all systems, the elimination system is less than 100% efficient due to many reasons.Do we really need to cleanse our colons?The lifestyle of many people today helps in maintaining a colon that is unclean and the cause of disease A diet high in fat, consumption of a lot of sugar, salt, eating mostly processed food, drinking very little water, all contribute to the process. Preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals in food and water that we consume, polluted air, cosmetics, genetically modified crops and animals, antibiotics, other drugs, artificial sweeteners, aerated drinks, junk food, caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, microwave-cooked food, hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods, which results in pounds of unwanted matter decaying in the colon. A sedentary life style, man’s upright position, numerous environmental changes, leaning towards non vegetarian diet adds to this to a large extent. What is colon cleansing?There is a general agreement among doctors that enema using purified water can be used to treat impacted bowel. Colon cleanse involves a speculum being passed into the rectum thorough which body-temperature water is passed. Over a gallon of water may be used in the process and the used water and waste which is eliminated is passed back down the tube where it can be viewed by the practitioner. The practitioner will often massage the patient's abdomen to help dislodge waste. The treatment may be uncomfortable but is not painful. Water enemas: where water is used for the procedure. This is similar to hydrotherapy but the amount of water used is considerably lesser. Here, only the lower part of the colon gets cleaned and not the entire organ. Clay enemas: Where bentonite clay mixed with water is used for the enema procedure. Coffee enema: In this type of enema, real coffee liquid is used to perform the procedure. The active ingredients in the coffee help to hasten the process of waste elimination and keep the colon free from blockages. It is claimed that the most effective method for colon cleansing is the use of oxygen-based cleansers. These are usually taken orally in capsule form. They use activated oxygen to naturally remove impacted fecal matter. They're extremely helpful in relieving constipation, but can also be used long-term to maintain and rejuvenate the colon. Colon cleansers can also just be food, laxatives or procedures, such as stated above. Herbs have been used in colon cleansing recipes for many centuries. Their healing powers are well known. The reason most of these herbs are used is for their liver cleansing and cathartic properties. Herbs such as aloe leaf, ginger, cayenne pepper and senna help produce bowel movements. Some colon cleansing methods advocate fasting of different types. Either fruit or vegetable juices or just water is advised. Resting your digestive system helps tone up its activity and is usually advised every month. When done systematically and sensibly it has benefits and no side effects. Moderation is the watchword. One needs to abstain from fast food, potato chips, cookies, cakes, noodles, and caffeinated beverages like coffee, black tea. Smoking, alcohol, soft drinks are best avoided.

Cleansers –are in vogue again!

Globally people are opting for complementary and alternative therapies and one most popular among them in colon cleansing. It isn't for everyone though, and if you have not heard of it before, it may seem a bit gross and strange. Usually it is done either by using enema (injection of a liquid through the anus to stimulate evacuation; sometimes used for diagnostic purposes) to flush waste and toxins out of the colon or by consuming herbs or herbal recipes, which help the body to cleanse the colon naturally. These herbs could be either laxatives or purgatives.Detoxification, colon irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, herbal colon cleanser, colon cleansing, colonics, colonic lavage, clysters, enema, coloema, basti have all been terms applied to mean similar cleansing of the body.Colon cleansers are thought by some to provide relief from toxins that fill our bodies and also a panacea for all human ailments while others believe that colon cleaners are nonsense and a complete waste of time. Some even believe that colon cleansers are harmful to the body as the colon itself was designed to handle a variety of bacteria and works quite naturally.People who promote colon cleansing, claim that colon cleaners are good for conditions such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, mal absorption, acid reflux, (digestive and gastrointestinal disorders) skin, hair, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne, bad breath, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, high blood pressure, prostate conditions and that cleansing promotes general good health of the sense organs and much more. Since most digestive problems they claim, are caused by a toxic build-up in the body, it is essential to flush the body of all toxic chemicals. According to SPINS, a San Francisco-based research firm for the natural products industry-elimination, in other words, is a growth industry. There was a growth rate of digestive aids, which included cleansers to more than $83million in the year 2000.History of this therapyAyurveda first described –cleansing processes termed – ‘panchakarma ‘among which basti is highly valued as the best therapy when formulated systematically by the practicing doctor who has studied the case, which would be subjected to these specialized individualized therapies. Basti includes unique enema therapies which are integral part of these therapies which are still practiced much in India and in ancient days this knowledge was imparted in universities like Nalanda, Taxashilla and also many Ayurveda doctors were invited by rulers of Egypt, Arab, Greek etc and their knowledge influenced those civilizations too. Basti –means –the use of animal bladder (connected to sterilized metal tubes with nozzles), to introduce systematically formulated medicaments into the lower orifice of human beings. This is a very complicated process, which is administered on prescription of a qualified doctor as per each case.In the eleventh century to the fifteenth century, the early enema syringe was still relatively unknown and was not available to the masses. The preferred and most readily available apparatus remained a tube made of bone, reed or metal connected to a sleeve or animal bladder called the "clyster purse”(Middle English clister, from Old French clistere, from Latin clyster, from Greek klust?r, clyster pipe, from kluzein, to wash out, enema). This was held by both hands and squeezed to administer. In Spain, the method was called "playing the bagpipes”. During the middle ages, information on the enema continued to grow and the use of the enema became the popular vogue of the wealthy and even reached to the highest levels of the royalty. With this growth in popularity, the evolution of the apparatus had to follow. The 17th century became known as the "age of the enema". It was the fashion in Parisian society to enjoy enemas every day, the popular belief being that an internal washing or "lavement" was essential to well being. It was this acceptance by the public that took the enema or clyster from the hands of an apothecary and put it into the hands of the public .The clyster syringes were made of copper or porcelain, and the wealthy had syringes made of mother of pearl and silver. The aristocrats owned large collections of such instruments.De Graafe known for his surgical innovations also described the proper method to use the clyster syringe in his treatise De Clysteribus published in 1668. In this manuscript he classifies clysters as purgative, astringent, anodyne, emollient, detersive, and diversant, and mentions nutrient enemas of wine, milk and yolks of eggs. The clyster reached the height of fashion in the early years of the reign of Louis XIV (1638-1715) who, it is reported had over 2,000 enemas during his career. Through the 1920's and 1930's the colonic and enema were ever-present in most hospital stays.It is reported that in 1932, Dr. W. Kerr Russell wrote a book entitled Colonic Irrigation. This was the first documented use of the term colonic irrigation and colonic lavage. But in the modern era it fell to J. H. Kellogg, MD, of Michigan, famous for his invention of corn flakes and various techniques of good hygiene, to popularize colon hydrotherapy. This happened from Dr. Kellogg’s publication of his article in the Journal of the American Medical Association praising the procedure’s efficacy for saving a dysfunctional large bowel. Kellogg, J.H.- should the colon be sacrificed or may it be reformed? JAMA LXVIII (26): 1957-1959, June 30, 1917. It seems in the recent times, celebrities such as the late Princess Diana, John Lennon and Mae West have all patronized colon irrigation.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Time waits for none

Time, oh! I have no time
Say all many a time
No sir there is time
It is wrong to say I have no time
It is a might & marvel the time
Nothing can bring back the time
Make use of your sense of time
No labour can buy back the time
Nor the money can bring back the time
Oh! Young one it’s the time

You make proper use of the time
And say not I have no time.